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2017-09-06: Jamestown to James Brown in 30 minutes

  1. Course policies

2017-09-07: The Nation as Land

  1. Two maps

    1. Where are we now? (Mapping Boston Exercise)
    2. Deep history and the black belt
  2. Pre-contact America

    Contact: 1492


    1. Agricultural Civilization


    2. Mississippian Civilization


      The Hopi

  3. The Columbian Exchange

    1. Disease
  4. Colonial Regimes

    1. Spain

      The “Black Legend”

      Pueblo Revolt

      1. The continuing Columbian Exchange.

        Comanche Empire

    2. France

      Quebec city Fur “Middle Ground”

    3. Dutch (Not really discussed)

2017-09-11: Frontiers

  1. Writing prompt

    1. Discussion: Historical Disagreement.
  2. Review
  3. English Colonialism: The South

    1. Jamestown

      Jamestown, Virginia: 1607

      John Smith

      1. Why did Jamestown work?

        John Rolfe

      2. Model for Southern Colonies

  4. The English: Massachusetts

    1. The New England “Wilderness”

      First Thanksgiving

  5. The Perpetual “Indian Problem”

    1. Remembering Cooperation, creating conflict.

      Pocohontas and Squanto

    2. The flood of settlers and cycle of land appropriation

2017-09-13: Go West!

  1. Realities of Conflict

    1. King Philip’s War

      Metacomet/King Philip

    2. Bacon’s Rebellion

      William Berkeley.

      Nathaniel Bacon

    3. 7 Years War and Pontiac’s War

      Proclamation line of 1763

      The War of 1812 and Tecumseh’s Confederacy

  2. Continuing patterns of settlement

    1. Native Accommodation and Change

      Five civilized tribes


    2. Systems of Legibility.

      1. Land Ordinance (1785) Northwest Ordinance (1787)

        Legibility of territory

  3. The image of the native in American life

2017-09-14: Why Leave? Riches, Religion, Reason

  1. Map Quiz Answers
  2. Readings
  3. Christian Utopias


    1. The Puritan Commonwealths

      1. Town organization in New England
      2. Puritan Freedom
      3. Puritanism and its descendants
    2. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth


      Inner light

      William Penn

2017-09-18: The radical revolution

  1. Map Quiz
  2. American Enlightenment

    1. The English Revolution
    2. Benjamin Franklin

      University of Pennsylvania

  3. Self government

    1. The taxation revolt
    2. Rising Tensions

      1. Stamp Act Crisis (1765)

        John Adams

  4. The Ideology of Revolution

    1. Constitutionalism
    2. Republicanism

      1. Who should rule?

        1. The slavery contradiction
        2. Distrust of landless labor
    3. Tea Act

      Boston Massacre

      East India Company

      1. Why was the Tea Act so opposed?

        Governor Thomas Hutchinson

      2. Tea Party
      3. Intolerable Acts

  5. The Revolution

    1. In Boston

      Lexington and Concord

    2. Around the Colonies

      Lord Dunmore

    3. Independence

      Common Sense

      Declaration of Independence

  6. Victory

2017-09-20: The Republic of Laws

  1. Norms or Institutions: what makes government work?
    1. Norms
    2. Institutions
  2. Discussion of Madison

    1. Faction: what is it, why didn’t Madison want it?

      Political parties

    2. Size: How big should the country be?

  3. Changing the constitution activity: what would you do?

  4. The Constitution

    1. Virginia Plan

      James Madison

    2. The Great Compromise on slavery.

      Election of 1800

2017-09-21: Creating American Politics

  1. Rip van Winkle: discussion

  2. The consolidation of politics

    1. The Washington administration

      1. The first congress
      2. The rise of factions

        Federalists and Republicans

        Alexander Hamilton

        Thomas Jefferson

  3. The Election of 1800

    1. Economic disagreements
    2. Disagreements about Republican ideals
    3. Top insults
    4. The electoral college mess
  4. Legacies of 1800

    1. The peaceful transfer of power among rivals succeeds
    2. Shift to Democratic-Republican Party as leading organization

      Democratic Party

      1. Agrarian Republicanism

        Sally Hemings

    3. National expansion

      Louisiana Purchase

2017-09-25: Jacksonian Democracy

  1. The Jeffersonian Ascendancy

    1. America in the World

      The embargo

      War of 1812

      Hartford convention

      Monroe Doctrine

    2. Emergent tensions

      1. The Market Revolution

        Henry Clay’s American System

        Erie Canal

    3. The expansion of the franchise
    4. Missouri Compromise

  2. The 1824 and 1828 elections

    1. Henry Clay
    2. John Quincy Adams
    3. Andrew Jackson
    4. The “Corrupt bargain”
    5. The Reinvention of Party and the 1828 election

      Martin Van Buren

  3. Jackson in power

    1. Land and Indian policy

      Indian Removal Act of 1830

      Trail of Tears

    2. The Tariff of abominations and the Nullification Crisis

    3. The Bank War

2017-09-27: American Slavery as it was.

  1. The old Slavery and the new Slavery

    1. Tobacco Slavery

      The twenty and odd (1619)

    2. Northern Slavery
    3. Transatlantic Slavery

      1. The Middle Passage

        Middle Passage

      2. Different Empires and Different Crops

  2. Cotton becomes King

    1. Fabrics and the market revolution

      The “Age of homespun”

      Francis Cabot Lowell

    2. Cotton Gin

      Short staple cotton

    3. The Second Middle Passage
    4. The Market

      1. The slave market
      2. Managing Slave Labor
  3. Runaway ads: in class activity.

2017-09-28: The politics of compromise

  1. Reading Response
  2. Primary source wrapup: runaway ads source.
  3. Politics of slavery: holding “The Wolf by the Ear”

    1. Whigs and Democrats

      The “Democracy”: (General name for Jackson’s party)

    2. The Gag rule

      1. John Quincy Adams in Congress
  4. The Polk Administration

    1. Texas and Oregon

      “Manifest Destiny”

    2. The Mexican war

      Nicholas Trist

      Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

2017-10-02: The politics of radicalism

  1. Violence and Slavery

    1. Slave codes and slave revolts

      Nat Turner’s Rebellion

    2. Nonviolent abolitionism

      Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

  2. The beginning of the spiral into the Civil War

    1. Wilmot Proviso
    2. Compromise of 1850

      Fugitive Slave Act

      Stephen Douglas

    3. Antislavery radicalism

      Anthony Burns (1834–1866)

  3. The normalization of violence

    1. Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

      1. Collapse of the Whigs

        Know Nothing Party

      2. Bleeding Kansas

  4. The Rise of the Republicans

    The “Slave Power

    1. Lincoln and the Free Labor Ideology
    2. Charles Sumner and Preston Brooks

2017-10-04: The Civil War

  1. The 1860 election

    1. Dred Scott v Sandford (1857)

      Roger Taney

    2. The Double election: Two Northern candidates, two southern.

  2. The Secession crisis

    1. Pre-Lincoln Secession

      Jefferson Davis

    2. Fort Sumter

      P. G. T. Beauregard

    3. Post-Sumter Secession

      Robert E. Lee

  3. Fighting the War

    1. Strategies

      1. George B. McLellan and the Virginia Theater
      2. Ulysses S. Grant and the Western Theater
    2. The progress of the war
    3. The Republican domestic agenda in action

      Homestead Act

      Transcontinental Railroad

      Income Tax

      Morrill Act

    4. Gettysburg
    5. The March to Sea

  4. The war as anti-slavery crusade

    1. African Americans and the Civil War


    2. Colored Soldiers

      Masachusetts 54th regiment

      Battle of Fort Pillow

    3. Emancipation Proclamation
    4. 13th Amendment
    5. Field Order 15

      40 acres and a mule

      Freedman’s Bureau

2017-10-05: The Civil War, 1866-2017

  1. Legacies of the War

    1. Death
    2. The Survivors
  2. Northern Reconstruction: Continuing the War

    1. Presidential Reconstruction 1865-67

      Andrew Johnson

      Civil Rights Act of 1866

    2. Congressional Reconstruction

      Radical Republicans

      Fourteenth Amendment

      Reconstruction Act

      1. President Grant

        “Waving the Bloody Shirt”

        Fifteenth Amendment

    3. Freedman’s Bureau and the Freedman’s Bank

      Freedman’s Bank

  3. Southern Memorialization: Resist and Redeem

    Ku Klux Klan

    1. The first Mississippi plan.

      red shirts

      Redemption governments

    2. The Economy of the “New South”
    3. Compromise of 1877

  4. Reconciliation

    1. The Grey-Blue Reunions

2017-10-12: Steel rails

  1. Economic Progress

    1. The Republicans in power

      Crisis of the 1890s

    2. Industrialization and Monopoly
    3. A shift towards belief in progress

      Technological Determinism

      1. Social Darwinism

        The Origin of the Species

      2. Progress as outside of control.

        Thomas Edison

    4. The rise of the corporation

      Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1837)

  2. Building the railroads


    Union Pacific

    1. Spending Land
    2. Corruption and government:

      Credit Mobilier

  3. Railroads in charge

    1. Shaping Time and Space

      Time zones

    2. New organizational techniques
    3. Accidents

      Angola Horror (1867)

      Ashatabula Horror (1876)

    4. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

      Interstate Commerce Commission (1887)

2017-10-16: The Labor Movement in the Labor Moment

  1. Immigrant waves and early attempts at building labor movement

    1. Irish, Germans
    2. Industrialization and Urbanization- population booms

      1. Industrial Hubs–cities
    3. Tensions between industrialism and democracy
    4. Lowell Mills, native white women workers 1820s
    5. Industrialization brings strikes.

  2. Big Business

    1. Factories

      Bessemer Process

    2. The industrialists

      Andrew Carnegie

      Gospel of Wealth

      John D. Rockefeller/Standard Oil

      George Pullman

      Free Labor

  3. Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor

    1. Craft vs Industrial Unionism
  4. Labor Convulsions

    1. Goals

      1. The 3/8ths Movement
    2. Haymarket Affair

      1. Americanism and the fear of foreign influence
      2. Strike Wave
    3. The Homestead Strike


      Pinkerton Guards

      The Lockout

2017-10-18: The Farmer is the man who feeds them all

  1. Response
  2. The changing nature of farming.

    1. Shifting Populations
    2. Technology

      Armour meatpacking

      1. The financial products for farms

        Crop Futures

        Crop liens

  3. Money

    1. The Gold Standard

      Gold Standard

    2. Civil war debts
    3. Inflation and Deflation
    4. Solutions to the currency crisis

      greenbacks/fiat currency


  4. The theory and politics of populism

    1. The Farmer’s Alliance

      Charles Macune

      1. The sub-treasury plan
    2. The Populist Party

      People’s Party Platform (Omaha Platform)

      1. Populists and Democrats
    3. The Panic of 1893

2017-10-19: From Populists to Progressives

  1. The 1896 Election

    1. The Democrats embrace big government
    2. William Jennings Bryan

      Boy orator of the Platte

      1. Cross of gold speech.

    3. Bryan’s campaign.

      whistlestop tour

    4. William McKinley and the Republican counter-offensive

      McKinley tariff

      Mark Hannah

      1. The front-porch campaign.

        Foreign language campaign publications.

        Paid campaign speakers

    5. The legacy of 1896.

      Spanish-American War

  2. From Populists to progressives

    1. Making men men and women women
    2. Christian Womanhood

      1. Suffrage

        Seneca Falls convention of 1848

        Susan B. Anthony

        Elizabeth Cady Stanton

      2. Temperance: the WCTU and the Anti-saloon league

        Frances Willard

        Carrie Nation

    3. Jane Addams and the Settlement movement.

      Hull House

  3. Teddy Roosevelt

    Rough Riders

    1. Re-election
    2. The “Trust Buster” in myth and reality.

      Breakup of Standard Oil

    3. Osawatomie speech: the New Nationalism

2017-10-23: Rewriting the Constitution: the Wilson Years

  1. Changing the Constitution
  2. The 1912 election
    1. Republican split: William Howard Taft vs Roosevelt and the New Nationalism
    2. Eugene Debs
    3. Woodrow Wilson and the New Freedom
  3. The Wilson Presidency
    1. Legislative Program
      1. Underwood Tariff
      2. Federal Reserve Act (1913)
      3. Clayton Antitrust Act
      4. Segregation of Washington DC and the government
    2. The creation of the modern presidency
    3. Triumph of the Progressives
      1. Prohibition
      2. Women’s Suffrage

        Alice Paul

        National Women’s Party

        Nineteenth Amendment (ratified 1920)

2017-10-25: The Great Arizona Orphan Abduction

  1. Raising Arizona
    1. The New Immigration

2017-10-26: The Strange Career of Jim Crow

  1. W.E.B. DuBois
  2. From racial equality to white supremacy in fifty years

    Ota Benga

  3. Transformation of the Southern economy

    1. The South in the industrial revolution
    2. The south outside.
  4. Jim Crow

    1. Anti-democratic movements in the rest of the country.
    2. The Second Mississippi plan

      Poll taxes

      Literacy Tests

      Grandfather clauses

      Direct violence

    3. Lynching

  5. The Wilmington Coup (beginning)

    1. Background of Wilmington

      1. Media Fights

2017-10-30: Land of Immigrants

  1. The Wilmington Coup (conclusion)

    1. The election of 1898
    2. The “riot”
    3. Aftermath.
  2. Creating Exclusion: the Pacific Coast

    1. Asian Immigratation

      Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882

      US-Japan Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907

    2. Negotiating Whiteness in the courts

      The 1906 Naturalization Act

      United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923)

    3. The Dawes act and nationwide Indian citizenship

  3. The Atlantic Coast

    1. The New Immigration: Southern and Eastern Europe
    2. Melting Pot or Pluralism?

      1. Ethnic tensions in the war

        Robert Prager

        Randolph Bourne

    3. The new nativism

      The Second Ku Klux Klan

      DW Griffith: Birth of a Nation (1914)

      100% Americanism

    4. The new immigration
    5. Madison Grant
    6. The 1921 and 1924 Immigration Restriction Acts

2017-11-01: The American Empire

  1. Writing
  2. Empires in the 19th century

    1. Why make an Empire?

      1. Economic growth

        1. Steel
        2. Oil
      2. National Greatness

        Alfred Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power upon History

        1. Promotion of American Ideals (schoolroom cartoon)
  3. The Pacific as “an American lake”

    1. American mercantile shipping and the Pacific ocean
  4. Hawaii: Case study.

    1. Hawaiian contact with the world, 1778-1870
    2. Missionaries and sugar plantations
    3. Queen Liluokalani

      Queen Liluokalani

      Sanford Dole

      Anti-imperialist league

2017-11-02: The Consumer Society and the Great Depression

Note: this lecture didn’t happen, but elements of it–and the associated chapters in the textbook–may be useful in the essays.

  1. The 1920s and Household Technology. Only in the 20s did the industrial revolution hit the household; before, it was concentrated in things like railraods and military ships.

    1. Assembly line production, epitomized by Henry Ford, sets up a world in which employers pay their employees well enough to be consumers.

      Henry Ford

      The five dollar day

    2. Over the 1920s, household electrification goes from one in three to three in four.

      1. Not just cars are mass produced; refrigerators, toasters, etc.
  2. But there are dark louds over the economy in the 20s

    1. The industrial economy has persistently high unemployment; about 10%. And relies on consumers buying things using credit or installment plans.

      Installment buying

    2. The Farm Crisis: massive overproduction of grain leaves grain prices plunging and farmers, with their newly mechanized farms, struggling to make do once again.

      1. Cars aren’t just in cities; mechanical tractors dramatically reshape farmwork, as 9 million work animals are destroyed freeing up all their pasture land.
  3. What caused the Great Depression?

    1. A big question that we don’t know the complete answer to; still a hotly debated topic.

      1. We know it was an international event, with massive unemployment and catastrophic effects.
    2. A stock market crash? This is the popular memory, but there’s strikingly little evidence that the market crash in 1929 was either necessary or sufficient for the economic collapse that didn’t happen until 1930-31.

    3. Presidential Leadership? Probably not.

      1. Herbert Hoover was the most activist, economy intervening president you could hope for.
    4. The Tariff? The Republican solution for everything probably hurt the global system, but not critically.

      Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    5. The Banking System? Yes, this one really matters.

      1. One fifth of all the banks in the country failed between 1930 and 1933.

        Bank panics of 1930–1933

      2. Mismanagement by the Federal Reserve Bank?
      3. The gold standard strikes again: major problems at home, and ensures the depression spreads from the US to the rest of the world.

        1. When banks start failing, that makes people pull their cash out and effectively limits the money in active circulation. Countries that go off the gold standard, like Britain, recover faster than those that cling to it like the US.
    6. Secular Stagnation?

      1. The idea that the economy had reached its natural point of maximum growth, and the challenge from here on out is dividing the spoils. (Possibly true).
  4. The great depression in action

    1. Deflation and bank panics; they wipe out savings.
    2. A quarter of the population unemployed; suicides up; people rely on philanthropists and charities, but they can’t handle the weight.


      1. The Bonus army of veterans marches on Washington
  5. The Election of 1932: Hoover vs Roosevelt

    1. It’s a landslide; but not because Roosevelt has laid out any specific program, just because he’s not Hoover
    2. What will FDR actually do? He needs to be in office for anyone to find out.

2017-11-06: The New Deal

  1. The Depression

    1. Deflationary spiral
    2. Huge Unemployment
    3. Collapse of Financial institutions
    4. Overwhelming of support networks.
    5. The Election of 1932: Hoover vs Roosevelt
  2. The First New Deal

    1. The Agricultural Adjustment Act
    2. Electric Power and the Tennessee Valley Authority
    3. The National Recovery Act

      1. The progressive vision

        National Recovery Act/National Recovery Administration

        Blue Eagle

        Frances Perkins

    4. Rethinking Liberty for the Industrial Age: the Brain Trust

      Adolf Berle

  3. Radical opposition

    1. Francis Townsend and the Townsend Plan
    2. The demagogues

      1. Father Coughln
      2. Huey Long “Share Our Wealth Society”
  4. The Second New Deal

    1. The “Big Bill”

      1. The Works Progress Administration (WPA)
    2. Social Security (1935)
    3. National Labor Relations Act

      Wagner Act (1935)

  5. 1936 election and the New Deal Coalition

    1. African Americans

2017-11-08: Strikes and War: Consolidating the New Deal Order

  1. Consolidating and extending the New Deal Order

    freedom through security

    1. Fordism: Freedom through security for the working man

      Henry Ford

      The five dollar day

  2. Labor makes itself a new deal

    1. Why did labor succeed in 1936?

      Frank Murphy

    2. New Leadership: the CIO

      John Lewis

      CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations)

    3. The Union of Auto Workers and the Big Three Car Companies

      Ford Service Department

      1. The sit-down strike

        Roosevelt’s Reaction: “A Plague on both your Houses”

  3. The War of Economies

    1. Mobilization

      War Production Board

      1. Winning the war through manufacturing

        Sherman Tank

    2. Women at Work

      Rosie the Riveter

    3. The Bracero Program (1942-1964)
    4. Businessmen in charge: the end of the New Deal

      dollar a year men

    5. The wartime economy

  4. Did watching Nazis make America less racist?

    1. Japanese Internment


    2. The End of Reform

2017-11-13: The American Way of Life at Home

  1. The Politics of Placidity

    1. Truman and the end of the New Deal

      1. The ‘Treaty of Detroit’ and the labor-capital peace.
      2. Undoing of Jim Crow.

        Executive Order 9981 desegregates the armed forces.

    2. The Eisenhower-Nixon administration

      1. House Unamerican Affairs Committee (HUAC)

        Joe McCarthy

2017-11-15: The Cold War

  1. Americans move from City to Suburb

    1. The postwar housing crisis

      1. The Baby Boom
    2. Automobile Land


      1. Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
    3. Home ownership under the Federal Housing Authority

      Housing Act of 1949

      Home Owners’ Loan Corporation

      1. Redlining
    4. Mass Society

      1. The newspaper monopolies
      2. Hollywood and Mass Culture
      3. The Networks

        Public Interest Clause

      4. Urban Redevelopment (The West End)

  2. Cold War Tensions

    1. Worldwide battlefields

      Truman Doctrine

      1. Korea (1950-53)
      2. Vietnam (1955-75)

        Ho Chi Minh

    2. Economic Stakes

      The “Kitchen Debate”

2017-11-16: Civil Rights

  1. Prompt
  2. Rosa Parks, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and what was the Civil Rights movement anyway?

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    1. What did the Civil Rights Movement accomplish?
    2. Tactics, Goals, and mobilization.
  3. Goal: Legal Equality / Tactic: Lawsuits

    1. School Integration


      Brown vs Board of Education (1954)

      Thurgood Marshall

    2. Little Rock Central High School (1957)

      Non-violent direct action

  4. Goal: Integrated Facilities / Tactic: sit-ins and NVDA

    1. Sit-ins

      Student Non-violent coordinating Committee (SNCC)

    2. Birmingham, Alabama, 1963

      1. George Wallace and the Alabama Democratic Party

        Bull Connor

      2. Birmingham Business District.
      3. Church bombings
      4. March on Washington
      5. 1964 Civil Rights Act
      6. Partisan Realignments

  5. Goal: The Vote // Tactic : Registration and marches

    1. “Freedom Summer,” 1964

      Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

      Philadelphia, Mississippi

    2. Selma

      1965 Voting Rights Act

2017-11-20: Rage against the Machine

  1. So you’ve passed Civil Rights: Now what?

    1. Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society (1965-66)

      Great Society

      Medicare and Medicaid

    2. King and Chicago: Housing

      Jesse Jackson

      1. 1968 Civil Rights Act (Housing Discrimination)

        Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg (Enforces busing as an actual solution to segregation in schools.)

    3. King and the Poor People’s Campaign

      1. Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike
  2. The Counter Culture

    1. The University and the Military-Industrial Complex
    2. The Student Movement

      1. Students for a Democratic Society
      2. Free Speech Movement

        Mario Savio

    3. Vietnam and the Anti-war movement

      1. Democratic Convention in Chicago, 1968

        Black Panthers

2017-11-27: Feminist Waves

  1. Women’s Liberation

    1. Women in the workforce

      1. Jobs or Family

        The Feminine Mystique (1960-63)

    2. Feminism and Civil Rights

      1. And the 1964 Civil Rights Act

        Equal Employment Opportunity Commision


        Protected Classes

  2. Other Rights Movements

    1. Gay Rights


      Harvey Milk

    2. Hispanic Farm Workers

  3. Backlash and Political Realignment

    1. 1968 Election
    2. Rights and the Courts

      Warren Court

    3. Equal Rights Amendment

    4. Phyllis Schlafly and the Religious Right

      Focus on the Family

    5. Abortion

      Roe v. Wade (1973)

2017-11-29: The Rise of the Right

  1. The End of the New Deal Coalition
    1. Presidential Politics
    2. The House of Representatives
    3. The policy shifts
  2. Nixonland
    1. 1972 Election
    2. The Southern Strategy
    3. The War on Crime
    4. Nixon the Liberal
      1. Enviromental Policy.
  3. The Legitimation Crisis and the Transition of the 1970s
    1. Stagflation and Energy Crises
    2. Decline of Organized Labor
    3. Watergate and the Presidency
  4. Jimmy Carter

2017-11-30: Freedom

  1. Rise of Ronald Reagan

    1. Who Was Reagan?
    2. The Tax Revolt

      California Proposition 13

      1. Supply-side Economics
    3. The Religious Right

  2. 1980 Election

    1. The Southern Strategy After Nixon

      Reagan at the Neshoba County Fair

      Willie Horton Ad (1988)

      Lee Atwater

    2. Reagan Coalition
    3. Reagan in Office

  3. Freedom

    1. People’s Computing

      1. Whole Earth Catalog

        Steve Jobs

        Apple II

        1. The World Wide Web (1990)
    2. The Social Responsibility of Business
    3. The Bipartisan Consensus

      1. Deregulation

        Bill Clinton

        The Third Way

2017-12-04: The Invisible State

  1. Deregulation
  2. Clintonism

    1. On the campaign trail
    2. In office, off the rails

      1. Health Care Reform Push
    3. Crime Bill
    4. 1994 Midterms

      Newt Gingrich

    5. Welfare Reform

      1. Government Shutdowns, 1995-1996

        Grover Norquist

    6. Free Trade

      NAFTA (1994)

      China’s Entry into the WTO (2001)

      1. Financial Crises
  3. The result:

    1. Economic Growth, unevenly distributed
    2. Death
    3. Scandals

      1. Iran-Contra
      2. Whitewater

        Ken Starr

    4. Balanced Budgets (briefly)
    5. The Internet

  4. Bush

    1. Florida
    2. Red and Blue
  5. Bush Administration

    1. The permanent Republican majority

2017-12-06: Looking Forward

  1. The Bush Administration

    1. Bush’s plan for a permanent Republican majority

      Karl Rove

    2. Bush domestically
    3. Ownership society
    4. Homeownership
    5. Banking
    6. The fallout

      1. Foreclosures
      2. Ripples
      3. Government reaction
      4. Deflation, briefly, and unemployment, for a while
    7. Legislation?

      Dodd-Frank Act

      Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

      Waxman-Markey (2009, failed)

  2. What’s Next?