Posts with tag Humanities

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Dec 26 2023

Although Ive given up on historically professing myself, I still have a number of automated scripts for analyzing the state of the historical profession hanging around. Since a number of people have asked for updates, it seems worth doing. As a reminder, Im scraping H-Net for listings. When Ive looked at job ads from the American Historical Associations website, they seem roughly comparable.

May 11 2023

Blaming the humanities fields for their travails recently can seem as sensible as blaming polar bears for not cultivating new crops as the arctic warms. Its not just that it places the blame for a crisis in the fundamentally wrong place; its that it
Its coming up on a year since I last taught graduate students in the humanities.

Mar 04 2023

Recently, Marymounta small Catholic university in Arlington, Virginiahas been in the news for a draconian plan to eliminate a number of majors, ostensibly to better meet student demand. I recently learned the university leadership has been circulating one of my charts to justify the decision, so I thought Id chime in on the context a bit. My understanding of the situation, primarily informed by the coverage in ARLNow, is this seems like bad plan,1 so I thought Id take a quick look at the universitys situation.

Jan 07 2023

I attended the American Historical Associations conference last week, possibly for the last time since Ive given up history professorin. Since then, the collapse of the hiring prospects in history has been on my mind more. See Erin Bartram, Kathryn Otrofsky and Daniel Bessner on the way that this AHA was haunted by a sense of terminal decline in the history profession. I was motivated to look a bit at something Ive thought about several times over the years: what happens to people after receiving a PhD in history?

Nov 12 2020

I last looked at the H-Net job numbers about a month ago.

Oct 01 2020

Out of a train-wreck curiosity about whats been happening to the historical profession, Ive been watching the numbers on tenure-track hiring as posted on H-Net, one of the major venues for listing history jobs.

Dec 03 2018

I wrote this years report on history majors for the American Historical Associations magazine, Perspectives on History; it takes a medium term view of at the significant hit the history major has taken since the 2008 financial crisis. You can read it here.

Aug 31 2018

I have a new article in the Atlantic about declining numbers for humanities majors.

Jul 30 2018

. In short, its been bad enough to make me recant earlier statements of mine about the long-term health of the humanities discipline.