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The required text for this course is Nick Montfort’s Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities. We’re working with the second edition, published in 2021. You may not use the first edition, because it teaches an older version of the Python language. I suggest buying the text online. If because of shipping issues you cannot get access to the text in the first week or two, please let me know. Additional IPython notebooks and explanations are at

Mon, Sep 06

No class: Labor Day

Introductions and thinking like a computer.

Mon, Sep 13

What is code?

Classroom activity

  • Functions, variables, and letters: Google colab notebook.


  • Paul Ford, “What is Code?” Bloomberg, 2015. (Yeah, seriously, Bloomberg. I sure didn’t think my Ph.D. in History would have me assigning Bloomberg articles, either. But I think you’ll see the relevance. Be aware this piece is long.)

Due Thu, Sep 16: Explore colab by making some letter point information and submit online. Worksheet online

Mon, Sep 20

Code criticism


  • Mark Marino, Critical Code Studies, MIT Press, 2020, Introduction
  • (Read Montfort, chapters 1, 3, and 4.)

agenda: Class agenda

Due Thu, Sep 23: Montfort Exercises 1 (Free project 3-1)

Mon, Sep 27



  • First: catch up on Montfort that we didn’t do last week. Come prepared to talk about his attitude and philosophy.
  • Then read more closely, typing in the examples, Montfort 5 (Double, Double) and 6 (Programming Fundamentals).

task: Ongoing: do something in python that raises an error, and post the code and the error to the dedicated Slack channel. As we figure out Slack intricacies, too, if you get the same error type with a different message as someone else, post that as a reply to their comment, not as a whole new thread; and try to get your own type of error. Before class, you should submit at least one error.

agenda: Class agenda

Due Mon, Sep 27: Montfort Free Project 5-1.

Due Thu, Sep 30: Montfort Exercises 5-1 to 6-6, free project 6-1.

Mon, Oct 04



  • Montfort 7 (Standard Starting Points)

Due Mon, Oct 04: Adopt an open-source project related to humanities research, cultural heritage, or another field of interest of yours. This will very likely be from the site, but any online site that includes code files is acceptable. Before class on Slack, post a couple paragraphs on Slack about what you chose, including:

  1. What does the project try to do?
  2. What kind of files does it have?
  3. How are they organized?

Note that you might not need to actually open any files yet–we’ll get to it later.

Due Thu, Oct 07: Exercises 7-1 to 7-6; free project 7-1 to 7-3. Note that 7.1 tries to get you running python on your own computer. This is a worthwhile endeavor, but if you find it’s not working, just post to the “Help Me” Slack channel and raise your issues in the next breakout section. Don’t lose sleep if it’s not straightforward–this is increasingly less important.

Mon, Oct 11

Back to strings


  • Montfort 8 (Strings and Their Slices)

Due Mon, Oct 11: Describe a function from the project that you adopted–what does it do? Why did they write it? Does it call other functions? Link from Slack to the online portion of the code.

Due Thu, Oct 14: Montfort 8 (Exercises and Free project.)

Mon, Oct 18

Getting technical with strings


  • Montfort 9 (Text 2: Regular Expressions)


  • Montfort refers you to the Python documentation for more on regular expressions. I feel like a terrible person for saying this, but I’ve generally found the online Python documentation so comprehensive as to be almost unusable, so I don’t really recommend reading it. You could also
  • Do some cumulative exercises in the browser here: Regex One
  • Use this Cheat sheet

Due Thu, Oct 21: Montfort 9, exercises and free projects.

Programming paradigms

Mon, Oct 25

Some things Montfort doesn’t discuss, Part II.

description: Montfort’s text describes, fundamentally, a functional approach to programming–that’s why we’ve spent so much time talking about things like recursion, that you are unlikely to use. But an equally powerful model is object-oriented programming, in which the programmer defines reusable classes–things that bundle together information into themselves.

As you’ve seen looking over code online, the object-oriented method is very common in Python projects, especially large ones.

This week we’re taking a digression from the Montfort text to expose you to the basics of this method.


  • To follow up on some of the work manipulating strings, let’s try some some heavy duty stuff: Can Computers Create Meanings? A Cyber:Bio:Semiotic Perspective. N Katherine Hayles. Critical Inquiry, 2019.

  • “Python for Everyone,” Chapter 14.

This isn’t our normal textbook, so don’t feel like you need to understand everything. In particular, all the stuff involving methods starting with two underscores (“getitem”, etc.) are not things you need to understand. But you should understand the general idea of a class, including the key terms:

  • class.
  • instance.
  • attributes and methods. (Analogous to variables and functions.)
  • constructor (i.e., init) functions.
  • The meaning of self in a method definition.

There’s some slightly more advanced stuff it is safe to ignore for now. * destructor * inheritance * child class

Due Mon, Oct 25: TBD: Working with strings.

Mon, Nov 01

Tutorial following

readings: Montfort 10-11 on images (Don’t invest too much time if you don’t care about images.)

agenda: Class agenda

Due Mon, Nov 01: Creating the DHSS Tweet parser/National Archives Parser/etc." Fill in some methods so that we move towards a bot that can actually do something.

Due Thu, Nov 04: Montfort Exercises for Chapter 10.

Mon, Nov 08



  • Montfort 12 (Statistics, Probability, and Visualization) Don’t do anything in Processing. Instead, explore some notebooks on ObservableHQ.
  • Mar Hicks, “Built to Last,” Logic Issue 11, August 31, 2020. link.

Due Mon, Nov 08: After reading Hicks, choose a language from the following list, arranged roughly in order of how likely you are to encounter them in the digital humanities. Find some code online that uses it. You are not going to learn this language, but write a few paragraphs on Slack describing the language with some examples, either code or images. (Don’t worry about editing this too heavily, but do try to make it worth everyone’s time to read). How it is like or unlike Python as we’ve experienced it? As far as you can glean, why does this language exist? Can you find anything online that indicates what sort of people use it? Your choices are: [Javascript, R, Ruby, Java, C, Perl, Go, C++, Haskell, Lisp, Fortran.] Claim it on Slack so we all get a different one.

Due Thu, Nov 11: Custom exercises, Observable Notebooks.

Applying your skills

Mon, Nov 15

Advanced Text


  • Montfort 15 (Read regardless of whether you care about text.)
  • OpenAI, Codex discussion. We’ll see if we can get you all Copilot betas beforehand.

Mon, Nov 22

Working with APIs

readings: In class review of Organisciak and Capitanu, Text Mining in Python through the HTRC Feature Reader

Due Mon, Nov 22: Montfort 15, exercises. If you wish to work more heavily with images, let me know.

Mon, Nov 29

Web Browsing

Due Mon, Nov 29: Choose an API (or two) and get at least one item from it.

Due Mon, Nov 29: Find a website that looks like it might be scrapable for the assignment below.

Some important criteria:

  1. It’s a URL that everyone knows. I.e., not the New York Times, not CNN, not Instagram, etc. We’re looking for something that a smaller person or organization put online.

Due Thu, Dec 02: Write a notebook to explore something in an API from online OR using Hathi Trust book count data OR the National Archives API.

It’s OK to include private user credentials in the notebook you submit to me, but you can also save and export it.

What you do may differ. You could try:

  1. Getting a bunch of data and merging it into some summary statistics.
  2. Grabbing a bunch of text and playing with it using TextBlob
  3. Grabbing some images and looking at–or mashing together–them using the PIL.

Mon, Dec 06

Images and beyond.

Due Wed, Dec 08: Write a python program that creates a list with at least 100 of something from the Internet. It can use either a scraper or an API. A few notes, here:

  1. You must check the site’s ‘/robots.txt’ file to ensure that it’s permitted to download from this source.

  2. Include in your loop the following piece of code that forces the loop to wait three seconds between requests; otherwise you may bomb the server.

    import time
  3. Don’t do anything that requires sign-in/authentication.

Mon, Dec 13


Due Mon, Dec 13: Start building out a project that you could follow through on in the winter break. It doesn’t need to be done, but it should be clear– delete unused code.

  1. Explore the vast world of Colab notebooks and try adapting a neural network application creatively. Find a style transfer program online, a word embedding-based text replacement, whatever.
  2. Continue building on your work with web scraping and/or APIs to produce a narrative notebook.

Agenda Notes

Notes for Mon, Sep 20

Notes for Mon, Sep 27

  • Three things Montfort doesn’t describe. Online notebook
    • methods and their distinction from strings.
    • dicts ({}).
    • error handling.

Notes for Mon, Nov 01

Object Orientation wrapup


  1. Returning new copies of the thing itself.
  2. Inheritance.