

Course attendance and engaged participation.

You must attend every class having completed all assignments for that day and prepared to discuss them. Working through readings and projects in person is every bit as important as being able to answer questions on a test or write essays.

We will frequently engage with primary source material in the classroom. These primary sources may appear on the exam. Your work in digesting them in class will be invaluable in contextualizing them later.

This is a small class, so your active participation is vital.

Timely completion of assignments.


Reading posts and comments

Through the course of the semester, you should regularly post to the course blog. By the end of the semester, you should have at least 7 posts of at least 3 paragraphs each. That means roughly one every other week. A few topics will be pre-assigned, but most are free for you to choose. Posts can be written in a first person, casual style, like that you’d use for an e-mail; they should reflect your own ideas, not simply summarize things you’ve read. Feel free to take chances, speculate wildly, or be wrong.


This class will have two midterms and a final. Each of the midterms will occupy a single class session and focus on one of the two class units; the final will include material from all three sections of course. Material covered on the midterm may include materials handed out in class, lectures, readings, or the midterms.

Tests will include identication questions in which you are given a name or a passage to identify and contextualize, and essays.

Academic Integrity

You are expected to have read, and follow at all times, the University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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