Text analysis and medical history
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Bill Lane Center for the American West: http://www.stanford.edu/group/ruralwest/cgi-bin/drupal/visualizations/us_newspapers
Textual Metadata: Correspondence Networks
Mapping the Republic of Letters
Textual Metadata: Trial Lengths
Data Mining with Criminal Intent/The Old Bailey Online
Co-citation Networks
Kieran Healy, Philosophy Citations
Neal Caren, Sociology Citations
Jonathan Goodwin, Film Studies and more
More data from:
Jstor Data for Research: dfr.jstor.org
Words the drop off between 1918-1922 and 1923-1927
General purpose sources of digital texts
Hathi Trust (http://www.hathitrust.org/)
JStor Data for research (dfr.jstor.org)
EEBO-TCP: http://www.textcreationpartnership.org/tcp-eebo/
Sources for medical texts
Let's figure this out.
Ted Underwood, University of Illinois
History Dissertations, Robert Townsend
Matt Wilkens, Notre Dame: "The distribution of US city-level locations, revealing a preponderance of literary–geographic occurrences in what we would now call the Northeast corridor."
Not just tokens
Texts are "multiply addressable" (Michael Witmore)
Use metadata!
Hathi Trust Bookworm:
Experimental Index Catalog Bookworm
Geographic instead of temporal search
(Index Catalog just for europe)
David Blei, Princeton University
Go-to software for text analysis.
(reminder: this list is at benschmidt.org/medhist16)
Open Questions