The American System: Interchangeability.
John Hall's Breech-loading rifle
Ring Gauges
Highwheel bicycle
"Safety" bicycle with pneumatic tires and chain, c. 1892
Pre-1910: automobiles are playthings.
the man who can successfully solve this knotty question and produce a car that will be entirely sufficient mechanically, and whose price will be within the reach of millions who cannot yet afford automobiles, will not only grow rich but will be considered a public benefactor.
Harper's 1910
Henry Ford in 1919
Ford Model A
Model N (1907)
Highland Park, 1910
Flywheel assembly
The man who places a part does not fasten it --the part may not be fully in place until after several operations later. The man who puts in a bolt does not put on the nut; the man who puts on the nut does not tighten it.
--Ford, 1923, on the assembly line.
The Assembly Line at Highland Park
Triangle Shirtwaist
Ida Tarbell
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle.