Surveillance Capitalism



Gradesheet e-mails went out this morning.

Pass/Fail deadline is tomorrow.

Final Papers

  • Change–due Friday 5pm.
  • A few more hours for a first paragraph.

Big Questions

Where does big data head from here?

  1. Awesome.
  2. Terrible.
  3. The same, but more so.

Awesome: Science wins. Fully Automated Luxury Communism

Star Trek

Terrible: Totalitarian surveillance distopia

  • Social Credit System in China

It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism

Frederic Jameson, 2003



The two texts

What is in the second text?

What data do they have on you?

Multiple location data

Who are “they”?

Single location data

What do they know about “you?”

Corporations replicate state activities

State administration made individuals legible to state actors–Pawnee Reservation

End of semester

Gender and Teaching Evaluations

Asylum Lab

Good-bye! Stay in touch!