Visualization and Images


Foucault wrap-up.

Visual Conventions

Image: Sanna Dullaway

Visual History

The Bedolina Map (6th-4th centuries BCE)

Bedolina Map, appearance

Champlain’s 1612 map of New France.

Data visualization

Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg carte chronologique. 1753

Joseph Priestly (1733-1804)

Priestley’s biographical chart (1765)

Priestley’s historical chart (1769)

J.H. Colton’s Stream of Time, 1842.

The invention of everything.

William Playfair?

James Watt

Line chart, Playfair, 1786

Copperplate engraving

Debt chart, Playfair, 1786

Playfair tries to explain the bar chart:

Suppose the money received by a man in trade were all in guineas,and that every evening he made a single pile of all the guineas received during that day, each pile would represent a day, and its height would be proportional to the receipts of that day; so that by this plain operation,time, proportion, and amount, would all be physically combined. Lineal arithmetic, then, it may be averred, is nothing more than those piles of guineas represented on paper.

Playfair’s Pie and Circle Charts, 1801

Wheat prices: Playfair, between 1821-1823

Galton’s “scatterplot”

The actual picture of Galton’s scatterplot.

19th Century: A golden age.

Guerry’s choropleths, 1820s

John Snow’s cholera map, 1854

Florence Nightingale, 1857 Calendar Clock.

Minard’s map
