The Republic of Laws


Reading Response

How do Madison's writings in the Federalist papers we read today reflect the ideals of republicanism and/or enlightenment we talked about on Monday?

OR--what seems like it might be counter to those ideals?

Be as specific as possible with reference to the Federalist papers: Number, topic, etc.

(As a reminder: you read, 10, 14 and 51, in that order).

Norms or Institutions?

Which is most important for success of democratic system?

Norms: Unwritten but agreed-upon standards for conduct.

Institutions: Legally created bodies that can shape people.

God the watchmaker

The only presidential democracy with a long history of constitutional continuity is the United States.

Juan Linz, 1990



A group "adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community"

Changing the constitution

At tables: engineer a change (or changes) to the constitution.

  • Take inspiration from Federalist 14; bigger is better!
  • The mechanisms of government, not the specific laws.
  • Nominate one person to
    • Describe your proposal;
    • Argue on its behalf.
  • Vote!

The Constitution

Virginia Plan

  • Strong federal government
  • Two legislative chambers with proportional representation by population
  • National veto over state laws.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized
